In Korea, `the act of electronic device attachment for tracking location of specific crime offenders` was enforced in September 2008. Sexual crime offenders who were given a suspended sentence or released on parole can be ordered to wear electronic ankle bracelets. Prosecutors can also demand electronic monitoring during court proceedings for those who have abused children aged 13 or younger or repeated sexual crimes. The judge can then order the sexual crime offenders to attach electronic device for up to 10 years after their release from prison and also decide the period of wearing the device attachment. Electronic monitoring is generally carried out in each criminal procedure from pretrail detention up to parole. It plays a great role in surveillance of the offenders who have already been released from prison. In addition, it also reduce recidivism. Electronic device attachment for tracking location of specific crime offenders is yet introduced in a few countries including Korea, although electronic monitoring has been introduced in many countries. Surveillance of sexual crime offenders with electronic device attachment has a problem with double punishment because they are controlled even after their sentence is up. Tracking them anytime and anywhere can be violation of human rights. It is also doubtful whether the system will prevent sexual crimes. It is important that correction of their sexual behaviour should be carried out together with the electronic monitoring. The Act should be reformed to work more effectively.
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